Plot: Ahas Erich Gonzales has been selected to portray the mythical twin snake of a shopping mall in the latest incarnation of the horror-thriller franchise "Shake, Rattle & Roll." Inspired by a famous urban legend from the 1980s. Ulam In this segment of the horror anthology, a family is being fed by their yaya with delicious dishes that soon turns them into horrible monsters. This episode starring Carla Abellana and Dennis Trillo. Flight 666 A hijacker (Bernard Palanca) terrorizes the passengers of Flight 666. Amidst the chaos, a passenger gives birth to a "tiyanak" (a monstrous creature from Philippine mythology) that soon attacks the rest of the people inside the aircraft one by one. Flight stewardess Karen (Lovi Poe), who has a relationship with Dave (Matteo Guidicelli), together with the help of co-pilot Bryan (Daniel Matsunaga), must save them from this horrifying trip to Hell.
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