Led by Special Agent Liam O'Connor (Dougray Scott), the series unfolds during their present training where stories intercut between their hidden pasts and fast forward to the near future, where one of the recruits turns out to be a sleeper terrorist responsible for the most devastating terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11.
The series will keep viewers’ eyes glued to the television with intriguing storylines of bravery, patriotism, moral challenges, personal struggles and treason.
From the executive producer of Grey’s Anatomy and Criminal Minds, and written by Josh Safran (Smash, Gossip Girl); Quantico promises to be one of this season’s biggest action thriller dramas.
Quantico premieres on Sep 28, Monday at 9.45pm, within 12 hours of U.S. airing, first & exclusive on AXN.
AXN is seen on Cable Link Channel 38, Cignal Digital TV Channel 61, Global Destiny Cable Channel 61, Dream Channel 20, Gsat Channel 12, SKYCable Channel 49.
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